Appleton Estate Signature Blend Rum
Gold Rum — Jamaica
Reviewed February 26, 2021 (edited July 25, 2021)Well, don't get me wrong, this is still rather good rum, but it have its, not so good, strange sides. The first is straight from bottle smell - hard, rough, petrol. You must let it breath for while to wear it out to something more sense-liking. Second thing is the specific sour taste. That would be OK, if this would be bottle of Bourbon. But is strange when it comes to bottle of rum. Signature Blend reminds me Bourbon with every sip. I actually like Bourbons, so I have only problem with this strangeness, but some folks would not appreciate that. So, this bad boy will go better with Coke or in cocktail, than as an enjoyable sipper. I enjoy it from time to time neat, because the strangeness is interesting. But common rum folk will surely rather avoid that. -
Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum
Spiced Rum — US Virgin Islands
Reviewed February 26, 2021 (edited September 4, 2021)Well not very surprising rum from Morgan's, it's like black and spiced mixed together and bit mellowed. Good for Rum & Coke or "black rum" recipes, but not really for neat drinking. Can recommend for mixers, can't recommend for sipping (nor binge drinking, I usually got heartburn from this kind of rums). -
Captain Morgan Dark Rum
Dark Rum — US Virgin Islands
Reviewed February 26, 2021 (edited April 23, 2021)Only one from basic Morgan's with little bit of use. Hard confusing taste, but nice rum for dark rum mixers for a nice price. At least for start (I found better ones, but back in my days i use this a lot). Drinking it neat you'll get true sailor experience, because its like drinking hard liquor diluted with muddy water and sweetened with molasses. With few exceptions, Morgan stand three steps below basic Havana (and one below basic Bacardí), but pricing is one step, so I have no reason to go for it. Nice and not expensive for beginners, but if you'll miss the Morgan's basics, you won't regret. -
Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum
Spiced Rum — US Virgin Islands
Reviewed February 26, 2021 (edited April 23, 2021)Once you're teenager with taste for better alcohol and no sense of taste in rums, this is nice boozer. Once you get older, you'll change your mind. With few exceptions, Morgan stand three steps below basic Havana (and one below basic Bacardí), but pricing is one step, so I have no reason to go for it. Nice and not expensive for beginners, but if you'll miss the Morgan's basics, you won't regret. Binge drinking day are gone for me and no one likes heartburns. -
Mild, bland, unattractive. Once you're teenager with taste for better alcohol and no sense of taste in rums, this is nice boozer. Once you get older, you'll change your mind.With few exceptions, Morgan stand three steps below basic Havana (and one below basic Bacardí), but pricing is one step, so I have no reason to go for it. Nice and not expensive for beginners, but if you'll miss the Morgan's basics, you won't regret.
I despise Bacardí in favour of Havana Club. It's harder with top shelf bottles, but it's easy with basic selection. Overall quality score is better for Havana and the price tag is almost the same. Havana miss the Dark rum and Oro/Gold one, but they are not essential. As I occasionally enjoy Havana 3 Aňos on rock, Bacardí is no go here. Bacardí basics are bit better than Morgan's, but you can get Morgan's with lower price tag and makes it better pick, even though the Bacardí Black has better taste. But not that much. You can't even make it into Molotov either because it only tastes like gasoline, but not burn like it...
At first - I despise Bacardí in favour of Havana Club. It's harder with top shelf bottles, but it's easy with basic selection. Overall quality score is better for Havana and the price tag is almost the same. Havana miss the Dark rum and Oro/Gold one, but they are not essential. As I occasionally enjoy Havana 3 Aňos on rock, Bacardí is no go here with any basic bottle. Bacardí basics are bit better than Morgan's, but you can get Morgan's with lower price tag and makes it better pick. This Gold one is even worse than Bacardí black with it's weird off taste (the harder taste of Black could be covering it up, I guess).
Bacardí Superior White Rum
Silver Rum — Puerto Rico
Reviewed February 26, 2021 (edited April 12, 2022)I despise Bacardí in favour of Havana Club. It's harder with top shelf bottles, but it's easy with basic selection. Overall quality score is so better for Havana and the price tag is almost the same. Havana miss the Dark rum and Oro/Gold one, but they are not essential. As I occasionally enjoy Havana 3 Aňos on rock, Bacardí is no go here. Bacardí basics are bit better than Morgan's, but you can get Morgan's with lower price tag. With white/blanca bottle, both the Bacardí and Morgan's can shake theirs hands here. they're both awful. The Morgan's is as usual cheaper, so we have winner between losers. But still, I will try to avoid both of them. Bacardí blanca is awful and you can't even make it into Molotov either because it only tastes like gasoline, but not burn like it... -
This very delicate elixir rum, with distinctive sweet taste with fruity-chocolate-cardamom strong sweetness and almost no alcohol burn (I even can't call it burn). This is not for rum sipping gentlemen, but you can break the ices with ladies with this candy rum. Good digestive, super sweet sipper, not very versatile mixer (if mixer at all). High recommendation for ladies.
Results 41-50 of 105 Reviews