7 Followees
Joe_CI only review whiskies, and I try to keep it short and sweet.... and backlogged with nearly 725 reviews I have yet to post on the app. 🤦🏽♂️
LeeEvolvedIf it’s not Scottish, IT’S CRAP! - Mike Myers Saturday Night Live
PBMichiganWolverineWhen I pass of this good earth, I’ll be taking my Brora with me. Not so I can share with god, but so I can bribe the devil.
BDannerWHISK(E)Y. The reason I wake up every afternoon.
The_RevPart time pastor and homesteader, full time whisky, gin, brandy, and rum lover
DavidGrisebachAlways trying to stay in good spirits :) I’m searching for the ideal bottles of each spirit for my home bar. This is my opinion on what’s available in Ontario.
jake-theoYoung British-French whisky enthusiast! Whisky blog: https://jakewhisky.tumblr.com/
Results 1-7 of 7 Followees