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Okay since Distiller had this at a 98 and the reviews were all high i had to find a bottle of this. There was a Total Wine about 40 minutes away and they had two bottles priced at $24 so i bought one of them. Great price but will the stuff inside be as good as Distiller says it should be? Let's find out.
Upon opening this I see it's a clear blanco like the other bottles nothing important there. Pour a glass and smell the fresh cooked agave smell. God i love that smell so good. The smell wasn't the best ever but it certainly smelled good better than the fake vanilla you smell with a casamigos or any other adding flavors. First taste. Yes it's good not knock your socks off good but definitely is a very enjoyable tequila that has clean, natural flavors. Would i buy this at the price i paid? Absolutely. Would i buy this for over $40, probably not because there are a couple others that I'd purchase ahead of it i.e. El Tesoro or Fortaleza. Certainly a very nice example of a non-additive blanco and would certainly recommend to anyone looking.
August 19, 2022 (edited December 28, 2023)
4.5 out of 5 stars
I’m honestly very impressed. Admittedly, I purchased this based on the reviews here. Also, for ~$50, why not?
On the first pour, I didn’t get much of anything. On the second, I got sweet herbal notes, very light pepper, and almost molasses? The flavor from this is unbelievable coming from a blanco.