Managed to snag a 100 ml sample of this, not having the bottle in front of me is a bit irksome, but considering it was free, well, let's see what we can see.
Lot's of sweet cherry-vanilla and caramel notes, sort of like a sweet Four Roses SB limited and Woodford Double oak combo, just a bit of root beer tone, not as hot-spicy as I would have guessed for the rye, but this is an extremely promising nose.
Up front comes the great sugar combo, and wouldn't you know it, the rye spice is right behind, I do note something of a cola aspect in the middle probably a result of the well aged rye portion, but it's a very pleasant and well thought out balance. The sugars are less apparent on the finish with a bit of a warm cinnamon toast lingering at the end.
While it is warm like the proof would suggest, I don't get any rough edges of an under aged juice, the aging of the source is readily apparent as even at the high proof it is fantastically pleasant heat going down. This is my first foray into the Bardstown line, and it did not disappoint!
The flavors are really kind of astounding, reminds me of a good Old Fitz with an even sweeter front end and a bit more sugar complexity. If you can find it (and at a reasonable price) this is an easy recommend. Cheers!