Rating: 16/23
Wow, this was only $46 4 years ago; now, I was lucky to find it at $65.
N: A clear wortiness that's sweet with a dry tangerine bitterness. Some interesting terroir notes as well. Hints of vanilla as well.
P: Some funky terroir that has drying peat character mixes with sweet malt, baking spices, some vanilla. Hints of orange zest connect the malty sweetness to the dryness.
F: Lingering malty sweetness with vanilla and terroir, but there's also a bit of a wateriness. Hints of that dryness from before, but not much of it has made it through.
- Conclusion -
This is tasty and easy to sip. The flavors are good and the complexity and balance are sold. I like how smooth this is. What's getting me though is that there's a youthful vibe to all of the flavors and they haven't fully come together yet. Still, this is really good. I'm definitely giving it at least a 16 and I'm seriously considering a 17.