March 2, 2017 (edited November 19, 2019)
Aha now we are talking. 3rd time lucky. Now call me xenophobic if you will but I have a slight love of European Oak over American. Don't get me wrong. I love honey almost as much as the next bear and vanilla is my favorite milkshake..both of which american oak imparts in spades (well depending how many times its been refilled but not let's get pedantic..). European oak though hmmm...lovely lovely spice, toffee orange or is it caramel..hmm. 2, 3 and then now a 4 rating in my compass box journey. Still that astringent note almost turpentine I can't shake but what the hell 4 it is (high 3's to be precise as that turpentine aftertaste is really bugging me now)