February 13, 2019 (edited July 5, 2019)
How much is a scent worth?
I love trying new bourbons and read an article that listed the Hudson Baby as one of the ten I have to try in 2018. Immediately upon cracking my bottle I was greeted by one of the best scents I've had the pleasure of sticking my (not unsubstantial) Italian schnoz into. Even my wife, who likens most whiskeys of any variety to an expensive substitute for gasoline, acknowledged the pleasant aroma and wanted to try (I was not kind enough to share). We agreed to contact the good people at Hudson to see about making a scented candle for this.
Upon taking my first sip I noticed that this one was almost cloyingly sweet, but not bad by any stretch. This would be an acquired preference for me, and I feel as though if I drank more I'd come to enjoy it more. Keep in mind that I have a fairly strong sweet tooth, but all at once this was almost too much for me. Slowly sipped after a filling dinner, maybe with a coffee and a cheesecake, the Hudson Baby would be very welcome for me. As it stood, however, the sweetness was just a little much for me to be able to thoroughly enjoy.
Tasted neat.
The good people of Hudson are probably very busy, they have not yet responded to our letter.