Before it became vogue to buy the bottom shelf and suffer through its indignity in the name of being cool, this was relegated to sad corners of the world where people clamored for that ol country mountain dew. It hasn't changed much for the better.
Despite it's 4 year age, you'd be hard pressed to find any maturity here which is a tribute to the deficiencies in production. This simply isn't a well crafted spirit -- a real shame because being rough as a prison yard shiv shouldn't be a goal after 4 years.
Initially, edgy sweetness, slightly rusty razor blade texture going down, with some kettle corn yum buried in the brutal throat punch it packs. It could, it should, be better. It starts with inputs and this is lacking. Sells for between $18-$24, but should be priced around $12-15 for what you're getting.