Rating: 17/23
Happy international coffee day!
N: Roasted darkly with hints of dark chocolate and mild soy sauce. It's not super complex, but it isn't nice.
P: Way sweeter than the nose suggested. I thought this might just be bitter based on the nose. Actually, it's sweet! It doesn't have a confectioner's sugar feel to it at all, but it is full and viscous. There's a definite roasty flavor, with hints of medium roast astringency coming in. I get some chocolate sweetness and also faint hints of soy sauce. This is quite tasty. I see why people like this more than Kahlua. The soy sauce here may be a little heavy, but it's funky and I dig it. Hints of vanilla.
F: Vanilla, soy sauce, dark chocolate, some sweetness. The balance somehow deteriorates here a bit, but this is still a very nice dram that is easy to sip.
- Conclusion-
I'm a fan of this. I'm not entirely sure what to do with it, but it's the best coffee liqueur I've tried.
This isn't as sweet and viscous as Kahlua, but the Kahlua tastes too sweet and the sugar really shows in the mouthfeel. In comparison, the soy sauce is quite evident here, which is maybe not ideal, but I'm enjoying this more than even that ancient bottle of Kahlua I unearthed at my parents' house.
After shaking this, it's a hair creamier with a tad more soy sauce chocolate, and bite. I'm not sure if I like it better this way.
Chocolate, coffee, and vanilla. I dig. Soy sauce - not so much. I like soy sauce sometimes, but not in my coffee. Is this a 19? No. It's more likely a 17 or 18. Mixing 1:1 with bourbon, the result is oddly savory. I love the chocolate and coffee, but the savoriness is not good.
A few more cocktails of this with bourbons and bitters later, I'm not impressed. That savory soy sauce note is just out of place. I'd have more confidence using Kahlua. As much as this has great flavors going for it, it has one odd flavor that I just can't fully endorse. I'm going with a 17.