I gave three stars because it hurt too much to give it two. I wanted to love this bottle. My first real limited release find. Found this lonely bottle on the shelf almost two years after it was released at retail price. I bought it and couldn't bring myself to open it. Finally I gave in, poured a glass, and it was awful. Maybe I'm missing something or my bottle was bad, but wild turkey 101 has a leg up on my bottle. Not sweet, no depth, and an almost sour finish. It tasted young...or like it had spoiled. I didn't think whikey went bad. Maybe my palate is broken. So disappointing.
Update 11/22/17 - after a year or so of oxidization, the bottle has blossomed into a beautiful whiskey - a trend I’ve noticed with other PHC offerings. Gone is the oaky bitterness, and now just an incredible balance of sweetness and spice remains. As close to a perfect bourbon as I’ve tasted. Maybe my favorite of all time. I wish I hadn’t had to wait until half of the bottle was gone to taste the perfection. The hype and marks on this bottle is justified