December 6, 2018 (edited March 11, 2019)
Nose: Biscuit / graham cracker maltyness. Caramel. Vanilla. Lemony citrus. Apricot / light plum. Some Oak /mustiness.
Taste: Sweet vanilla, almost powdered sugar. Light plums / apricots / almost dark cherry. Strong oak / mustiness. Sage / basil. Some light floral notes. Very sweet upfront, turning citrusy and finishing with an oak bitterness. Water intensifies the finish but adds some sweetness at the end to take some of the bitter away. Added a few drops of Islay Mist 8 and got some brown sugar and cinnamon notes.
Very light almost white wine color. Decent legs. Alcohol is very bitey despite only being 46% Non age statement but no color and not chill filtered. Originally it was $60, but I got it on clearance for 45. It's a lovely dram but not worth the msrp in my opinion. 45 is a decent price for it. I would actually say it's a decent one to get to convert someone from bourbon to scotch if they like the more intense oak notes and don't mind the sweetness.