Ardbeg Uigeadail
Single Malt — Islay, Scotland
November 4, 2024 (edited November 11, 2024)
Total Score : 4.25
- Smell of grass (Unlike herbs)
- Almost no alcohol smell.
- Very mild smell of medicinal peaty scent, but not disgusting.
- A sticky and refreshing sherry scent like raisins and cherries.
- Salty smell of the sea.
- Mocha chocolate.
- Sticky molasses and a mild herbal scent in an empty glass.
- Sweet
- Heavy nutty scent.
- It's quite spicy inside in the mouth.
- Balanced, but not strong enough to be salty.
- Softness when the drink goes over the throat.
- Residual feeling with very little hot or spicy feeling in the neck.
- Smooth smell of medicine and smokyness remain calm.
- 풀내음(허브X)
- 알콜향은 거의 없음.
- 아주 약한 정로환 냄새, 하지만 역하진 않음.
- 건포도+체리 같은 찐득하면서도 산뜻한 셰리향.
- 바다향
- 모카초코
- 빈잔에선 찐득한 당밀과 약한 허브향
- 달콤함
- 무거운 견과류향
- 입안에선 꽤나 스파이시함.
- 균형잡힌 간, 하지만 짭잘할 정도로 강하지 않음.
- 매끄러운 목넘김.
- 목에 화끈하거나 매운 느낌이 거의 없는 잔여감.
- 부드러운 정로환 향과 스모키함이 고요하게 남음.
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Cheers! I need to buy this one! Too many people ranking it high!