Our Favorite Piscos for Pisco Sours
Pisco sours are a favorite cocktail around these parts, and you can't go wrong using any of these piscos in your cocktails!
Jul 14, 2016
10Fruity & SweetThis expression is the youngest released from Courvoisier and uses eaux de vie that range in age from 3-7 years. The grapes are primarily sourced from the Fins Bois region with some Petite Champagne used as well. (SRP $30)
9FruityControl C is an unaged Chilean pisco produced by Pedro Jimenez using Moscatel grapes from the Limari Valley, a wine region north of Santiago. Distillation occurs over three runs in copper pot stills, separating the heart of the spirit for bottling.
8Fruity & TartMacchu Pisco is distilled in copper pot stills using only non-aromatic quebranta grapes. Aged for from 3 months to up to a year in non-wood containers before bottling. Approximately 10 pounds of grapes go into making each bottle of Macchu Pisco.
7Earthy & HerbalPisco 100 is an acholado, which means a blend of grape varieties. Each bottle is the ultmate result of eighteen pounds of quebranta, italia, and torontel grapes which are stomped on by foot to release the juice that will be fermented and distilled into the final product.
6RichThis Acholado (or blend) pisco is comprised of four grapes: italia, muscatel, quebranta, and negra criolla. All of the grapes, with the exception of the negra criolla, are aromatic grapes, which is exactly what they sound like: grapes which provide a fragrant aroma, particularly with floral and fruity notes.
5Fruity & SweetA blend of three grapes (both aromatic and non-aromatic), this acholado pisco is made from the first pressing of the three varietals (italia, moscatel and quebranta). Each bottle of La Diablada Pisco contains approximately 18 pounds of grapes. While this could be used in cocktails, La Diablada really shines as a sipping pisco.
4FruityThis Caravedo is a pisco puro, which means that it is made with only one grape from the allowed eight in the production of Peruvian pisco. In this case, they use the quebranta grape. Quebranta is a non-aromatic varietal so the fruit notes that you find will be minimal. As it the case with all Peruvian piscos, this is distilled to proof without any water added at any point. This was launched in the U.S. in May 2015.
3Floral & FruityAn acholado is a blend of different varieties, in this case mostly quebranta grapes (approx. 70%) with some of the aromatic italia and torontel grapes (both Muscat clones). BarSol Selecto Acholado Pisco is bottled at 41.3% ABV.
2FruityCampo de Encanto's "Barkeep's Whimsy" developed out of the company's Distiller's Apprentice program, which brings bartenders to Ica, Peru to learn about pisco. This expression inverts the recipe for their Grand and Noble pisco (torontel, quebranta, moscatel, mollar, and italia grapes) to bring the torontel grape to prominence. It is distilled one time with nothing added.
1FloralTranslated as "Field of Enchantment," Campo de Encanto Grand and Noble is a pisco from Peru. It is an acholado style pisco, meaning it is made of a blend of eau de vies from different grapes; five different grapes, in this case. Campo de Encanto is distilled only one time, with no water or sugar added.