138 Followees
Stephanie_MorenoEditor for Distiller. My go-to dive bar whiskey: Bushmills Black Bush. Have a weakness for self-depreciating humor, queso, and shih tzus.
Scott_EScotch appreciator exploring the whisky world to quench my spirit.
doneebI'm not here to wax poetic about the nose or the palate, there are much more qualified people to do that, I'm here to have fun with whiskey. And you should be too.
dmoyerThere is very little that can't be made better by the application of whiskey.
jonwilkinson7309Majoring in whisk(e)y, with minors in rum and mezcal. I have a collection of about 200 bottles, with a focus on American craft and Islay, Highland and Island Scotches. If you'd like to trade samples@ please contact me at [email protected].
mikaelco-founder and CEO of Distiller. it's nice outside. i like it out there.
PBMichiganWolverineWhen I pass of this good earth, I’ll be taking my Brora with me. Not so I can share with god, but so I can bribe the devil.
SpartaToddNinety percent I’ll spend on good times, Scotch and Irish Whiskey. The other 10 percent I’ll probably waste.
Trigger556Whiskey Lover, always looking for another good rye to try!
boviscopophobicMostly I just drink and read books.
Damon_ElliotI'll always come home to single malt scotch.
GuyverProxyWhiskey fan for life!
MMMNRICE''I'm on a whisky diet. I've lost three days already'' - Tommy Cooper
BynjamminFermentation Specialist - Twitter @Bynjammin
Davie-WarnerWhisky is sunlight held together by water.
Results 1-20 of 138 Followees