13 Followees
rawalkerI wish they would just have a 100 point scale here, which is basically the standard for whisky rating, but they don't, so my scale is essentially the equivalent: 5.00 = 100 points 4.75 = 95 points 4.50 = 90 points 4.25 = 85 points 4.00 = 80 points
RVMThe whisky makes you sweeter than you are.
ScotchingHardDrinking the good stuff
Jose-Massu-EspinelThe Whiskritic
GrumpiousLife’s too short to drink bad whisk(e)y
LouisianaLonghornAppreciator of barrel-aged distilled goodies.
ctbeck111.00 Horrid | 1.50 Poor | 2.00 Below Average | 2.50 Average | 3.00 Above Average | 3.50 Good | 4.00 Great | 4.50 Outstanding | 5.00 Sublime
BDannerWHISK(E)Y. The reason I wake up every afternoon.
ghill40509Long time bourbon sipper
Results 1-13 of 13 Followees