There's something about this whisky that makes it unique in my opinion - it definitely has the smokey flavor, but none of the peat smell. This is quite interesting and very exciting, because it surprises you as you taste, catching you with the smokey flavor off guard and excites the palate. a great dram!
Being a huge Laphroaig fan, I've grown fond of medicinal flavors and aromas, iodine and peat are a great combo that seemed lacking in most peated malts, but this one's different. This whisky has a special trait... It's almost as if a bottle of Laphroaig and hints from a speyside malt were mixed together to make an incredibly balanced and smooth peated malt, which has all the good qualities I learned to love in Laphroaig, but without being overpowering or driving smoke-haters away, as well as a fruity addition on the palate. Absolutely wonderful whisky! Simply brilliant!
It's almost as if somebody has handed to you a Michelin star dish that was underseasoned - it tastes great, it's got everything, but something's missing, and it shows. Something's missing in this whisky as well, and I can't put my finger on it, but I know it's the difference from one of the best and a dram I'd leave for someone else to enjoy
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