Don't have the regular white label available for comparison but I believe the Sunshine Blend tastes a little less like oak, char and vanilla and a little more like peanut and rye whiskey with even a hint of orange popping up once mixed or when sipping after eating savory snacks that cancel out some of that peanut and cereal character. Decently balanced, might actually prefer this to original Jim Beam for mixing, although it still has the usual alcoholic burn and doesn't sip too well.16.0 EUR per Bottle
I have a basic b*tch palate so anything sweet and fruity will likely be up my alley, and so is this. Pretty high ABV for what's classified a liqueur in Europe, reasonably smooth for its ABV however, dominant black cherry flavor of the candy drop variety, very very sweet, some underlying caramel flavor, tiny hints of surviving oaky Jim Beam bourbon flavors. Does what it says on the bottle. Not much of a sipper although you could totally down it neat, probably more of a mixer but absolutely do keep its extreme sweetness in mind.16.0 EUR per Bottle
Nose just as boozy as Wild Turkey 101, however less oaky and more vanilla-y. Of the dozen or so bourbons I've tried so far it may very well be the most vanilla-y aside from Jim Beam. Sipping it the burniness sets in late but strong, I honestly have to say I don't taste a lot, my taste buds may just be overwhelmed by the ABV. The aftertaste isn't strong either. With coke it remains pretty boozy and otherwise just well rounded with hints of sweet corn, oak and vanilla.
Initially very boozy but then pretty standard, well rounded bourbon nose with perhaps the slightest unusual pepper on top of corn, oak and a slight amount of cereal grain. Very hot and itchy in the mouth, immediately charred oak after swallowing, then a general rich sweetness. With coke it becomes oakier than most bourbons I've tried, also carries some tart dark fruits in the flavors. Overall okay and more of a value proposition than a sheer quality proposition.
Much darker and richer than regular Woodford, with an oakier nose predominantly carrying caramel and coffee with the familar dough and corn notes of the original only appearing in the background after breathing a little. Slightly sticky but very smooth impression in the mouth. Oakiness elevated but not pushy, some red wine notes, aftertaste also reminiscent of fermenting red fruits alongside some sweet corn, practically none of the caramel or coffee from the nose though. Also very tasty with coke, well rounded and complex, the original's sourdough impression resurfaces but less apparent and with darker and more charred notes on the side.
Immediate sourdough in the nose, surrounded by some sweet corn, oakiness and red winey fruitiness once it airs out. Neat flavor a little less impressive, kinda liqueur-ish and sticky with just an indistinct, slightly sweet aftertaste. Very subtle and rounded with coke on the other hand, complexity cuts through the coke's sweetness with hints of oak, cornmeal and sourdough before settling for the familiar richly sweet aftertaste of bourbon and coke.
Very smooth, rounded, soft nose with an impression almost of baked sweetbread or vanilla pudding, practically no wood or char. A little oakiness in the neat flavor however, alongside a slight fruity tartness and almost powdery, moisture-wicking dryness with hints of chalk and coffee in the aftertaste. Nicely rounded, complex impression with coke however with a certain oakiness underlined by hints of fruit and vanilla.
Well rounded but also intense and insistent nose that's not particularly woody but rather dry and reminiscent of grain and cereal with hints of pepper and vanilla after breathing for a bit. Neat flavor mostly repeats the nose but feels pretty scratchy but also waxy with hints of dry red wine in the aftertaste. With coke it's an interesting juxtaposition of the bourbon's dryness and cereal against the coke's richness and sweetness.
Nose feels like old, dusty oakwood with some amount of vanilla sweetness and cereal. Neat flavor also an entirely unmarkable, muddled affair with nothing in particular jumping out, just a general bourbony woodiness, however with a slightly bittersweet aftertaste. The latter impression is also elevated as a slightly bitter woodiness with coke, though soon surpassed by a hint of red fruits with a slight amount of vanilla throughout.
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