Blaum Bros. Gin
Modern Gin
Blaum Bros. // Illinois, USA
Tucked away in the northwest corner of Illinois, the Blaum brothers distill a variety of craft spirits including both aged and unaged gin. Instead of using a neutral grain base purchased elsewhere like most large distillers, the siblings use a base of locally sourced wheat and rye to produce their own vodka.
This is used as the base for the gin. Even more exceptional, each botanical is distilled separately and then married in order to find the perfect extraction level for the variety of ingredients.
Tucked away in the northwest corner of Illinois, the Blaum brothers distill a variety of craft spirits including both aged and unaged gin. Instead of using a neutral grain base purchased elsewhere like most large distillers, the siblings use a base of locally sourced wheat and rye to produce their own vodka. This is used as the base for the gin. Even more exceptional, each botanical is distilled separately and then married in order to find the perfect extraction level for the variety of ingredients.
Modern GinAka Contemporary, New Western, New Wave, or New American. Not legally defined, but juniper is not the dominate flavor. Often made with botanicals not historically used and/or sourced locally.
Cask TypeUnaged
Tasting Notes
"Typical of American gin, juniper finds its self taking a back seat to aromatics of coriander, wild flower, bergamot tea, and a hint of citrus peel. The mouthfeel shows its grain origins with a rich and plush impression that acts as an effective delivery system for those earthy tea flavors and a mid-palate dose of juniper. The finish is creamy and soft with a slightly spicy cinnamon character to keep things lively."