April 28, 2023 (edited August 8, 2023)
Nice packaging. Great price. Unforgiveable name I am sure is designed explicitly to intrigue but stymie (in equal parts) foreign consumers
Light golden brown with an orange tint. Nutty nose - clearly sherried, but done appealingly. Almond extract. Pear. Jasmine.
Opens with sweet syrup, then a vegetal cocoa lacking the cream required to make chocolate. Full flavored and sharp, comes off as quite salty (something I also get in the 12 year). A touch of crisp Granny Smith apple tartness.
Very much a salted chocolate syrup with pronounced nutty, sherried elements. A rich and weighty distillate. I’ve enjoyed this bottle a lot and is an easy recommendation I’d you like bold sherried single malt at the entry-level price point. Well done and is not hindered by the lack of age statement.