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A fruit forward VS Cognac both on the nose and palate with peppery middle and finish. For me, Enjoyable more on it’s own rather than in a cocktail. Because adding this in a cocktail with all it’s fruitiness just doesn’t mesh well with the other fruit forward ingredients like ginger ale other ingredients like lime and other fruits and citrus (too much fruity flavors).
Honey, apricot, ethanol, spicy
Courvoisier VS is drinkable with spicy taste and hints of fruits and honey. It is drinkable and good for mixing. The ethanol burn is considerable but still okay for sipping.l A few splashes of water brings out a honey flavor muted when tasted neat. The added water brings outs flavors and is recommended remembering that water is only a few drops.
A rich, cognac from Cognac, France opening with notes of dried apple & pear; a palate with notes of caramel, brown sugar & toffee, while notes of grilled almond, vanilla, spice & white pepper led to a hot finish.
November 2015 / August 2017