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0.7 l bottle opened at the Joseph Janis' son's birth event. Darker golden to amber. Rich vanilla, raisins, smoked oak, banana candy, hints of baked apple and cinnamon. Smooth, rich, potent. Sweet, slightly sticky. Flavour is caramel, banana, vanilla powder, cinnamon and oak. Soft in the finish, quite drinkable.
Total Score : 3.88
- Vanila and Chocolate.
- Banana flesh scent becomes stronger as time passes after pouring the glass.
- Spicy but not the strong alcoholic smell.
- First, the maple scent and changes to a rich fruit scent like cherry.
- Lightly coming in.
- Sweet
- Soft spicy.
- Slight bitterness
- Slight floral scnet.
- Sweet vanila
- Soft woody scent and grainy scent that comes back up your nose after going down neck.
- 바닐라와 초코
- 잔에 따른 후 시간이 지날수록 바나나 과육향이 강해짐.
- 스파이시하지만 알코올향이 쏘진 않음.
- 메이플향에서 나중엔 체리와 같은 농도 진한 과일향으로 넘어감.
- 가볍게 들어옴
- 달콤함
- 부드러운 스파이시함.
- 아주 약간의 쓴맛.
- 약간의 플로랄
- 달콤한 바닐라향.
- 넘긴 후 코를 타고 다시 나오는 부드러운 우디향과 곡물 향기.
Nose: Banana, Oak, Brown Sugar
Palate: Vanilla, Caramel, Peanutbutter
Overall: Excellent whiskey. Definitely on the sweeter side, but this is right up my alley