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December 2, 2021 (edited December 4, 2021)
2.5 out of 5 stars
Nose: Fruity, honied malt, graham and cocoa.
Palate: Caramel sweet, malt, fruit and slight candy sweetness.
Finish: Medium -> Soft, sweet, fruity and malty.
Very nice surprise. It definitely has a mildly spicy finish and aftertaste, but in a good way. Not like in a spicy drink. It's full-bodied and flavorful, with a twinge of sweetness. Would like to try again.
November 8, 2021 (edited December 31, 2021)
4.5 out of 5 stars
Woody almost musty aroma. But not in a bad way. Probably some sort of spice I can't place. Little flavor on the tongue at first but it then builds into a sweet wood flavor. Medium to rich body, tail keeps that wood flavor. Honey and toffee.