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September 18, 2019 (edited October 21, 2019)
4.5 out of 5 stars
The nose is a real cornucopia of smokey BBQ meats, plums, passion fruit, fortified red wine and a dash of brine. The palate carries on this adventure with peat accentuated by smoked meats, American BBQ, sweet port wine and bringing it to a close with a savoury, slightly bitter touch of chilli heat. The finish, long, dry and oily.
Nose: Honey, peaty, sweet. As with many octomores I like the "pureness" of that peaty aroma
Palate: Still peaty and sweet, the sweetness rises when it gets to the second and third sip. Strong alcohol sensation.
This honestly didn't taste as I expected it would - especially given the high peat ppm count. Really enjoyed this, and did purchase a bottle. Suspect it'll be for the collection, and not for sharing :)