January 10, 2021 (edited January 13, 2021)
Pours a nice honey color. The legs are not numerous, but they are long and luxurious. The part of the aroma I can't shake is the initial gassy, fusel-like fumes, inhaling the exhaust of a Nissan Altima. (Only in my youth, I promise.) I know that most whiskeys are a little "hot" in the first sniff, but this one is straight up paint thinner, every time.
Once you can get past that first face-slap of alcohol, there are some more subtle scents: vanilla, coconut, buttercream, lemongrass. But all of these play second-fiddle to the exhaust/rubbing alcohol.
The flavor is more forgiving: vanilla creme, coconut, coffee creamer, buttery shortbread. A tangy bit of lemon drop. It's also very tannic, adding a distinct pucker. The flavor cannot shake the exhaust/fusel gassiness though.
The finish is white chocolate, leather, tree bark, peppermint, and a mild chewing tobacco. A dry charcoal finish.
This whiskey demands an ice cube or at least a heavy dilution. There is just too much fusel/exhaust to recommend it by itself. It's good to have in the cabinet in a pinch,or for guests, but it's just not an exceptional Irish whiskey, unfortunately.
Oneida Wine & Liquor