MB Roland Still and Barrel Proof Bourbon
Bourbon — Kentucky, USA
Reviewed March 4, 2019 (edited September 5, 2020)NOSE... Pistachios and herbs FLAVOR is sweet, rich with mint and other herbal and floral highlights. While it's herbal it's not full of richness, and doesn't have a lasting finish, especially for having a higher proof. Has an almost tobacco type of nature to it's flavor, like I'm doing a chew or dip. COLOR is akin to a copper penny OVERALL it's just ok to me. Like an herbal gin that could have used more time in the barrel. If I were more into Scotch I'd likely be a bit more drawn to this but unfortunately I'm just not. Wouldn't buy it again, nor could I recommend it. ........ trying it again and well, it's still a whiskey that tastes every bit as immature as it's 2 year old supposed age statement. I'm obviously not privy to the actual age but it's tasting every bit as young as I've heard mentioned. Just not good, reminds of all the whiskey or bourbon I've tried that's aged at warp speed..50.0 USD per BottleBinny's Beverage Depot -
George Dickel No. 12
Tennessee Whiskey — Tennessee, USA
Reviewed March 3, 2019 (edited May 11, 2020)COLOR is burnt orange... NOSE is toasted marshmallows and nuts. FLAVOR is fantastic. So sweet to begin, a nice flavor and true spice finish. The notes are there with different levels of flavors coming though. OVERALL, I'll definitely keep this on hand. For the price of $20 per bottle USD it's a no brainier. -
Colonel E.H. Taylor, Jr. Small Batch Bourbon
Bourbon — Kentucky, USA
Reviewed February 28, 2019 (edited May 11, 2020)Notes of chocolatey goodness permeate thoroughly followed by a sense of an ice cream sundae. The mouth feel is instant cinnamon but turns smooth upon hitting the tongue and that's where this bourbon shines. So much chew in this bourbon, it's ability to hold it's flavor long after you've swallowed is extraordinary. Fantastic and worth the search...42.99 USD per BottleBinny's Beverage Depot -
Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage
Bourbon — Kentucky, USA
Reviewed February 27, 2019 (edited May 11, 2020)Tastes herbal like, almost like a scotch with some bourbon charachteristics following through in the end. The initial mouth feel though is scotch land for me with a decent amount of chew due to its somewhat oily finish. Overall the single is inviting and had me coming back for more. While it's not my favorite in the Evan Williams line, it's definitely packing some flavor and is a good option for those whom like scotch as well... ..... AN UPDATE... this will be a bottle that I will have ON HAND in a bunker if there comes a time when I feel it necessary. it's initial flavors when sipped ever so slightly and chewed upon is so rich and creamy, exuding tons of vanilla and herbal oats. it's A DEAL, AND SHOULD BE IN YOUR BAR.30.0 USD per BottleBinny's Beverage Depot -
Evan Williams White Label Bottled in Bond Bourbon
Bourbon — Kentucky, USA
Reviewed February 19, 2019 (edited May 11, 2020)A bourbon that is just so enjoyable to sip neatly. The color runs amber and gold depending upon the angle, with a nose that is fruity and faintly trickled with ethanol. The initial flavor is sweet vanilla, a touch of spicy rye, and a wonderful burn. It's mouth offers a nice chew and bite, which lingers into your cheeks with a couple swirls. In general this is quite the value Bourbon. Given that it runs at an average of $20 and under it's a true steal, and should be a definite in your home stash....16.99 USD per BottleBinny's Beverage Depot -
Let's just say that at 114 proof this bourbon definitely packs a punch. It's a nice amber color, sweet at first taste, but finished off a bit lackluster. While it certainly has a really nice initial taste, filled with a sweet and leathery bite and an apple aroma, the final bite is less than I hoped for. Overall I truly enjoy this, but the high rye content seems to dominate this bourbon. I'll definitely have this on hand due to the price and value (proof), but won't call it a go to...30.0 USD per BottleBinny's Beverage Depot
I'll tell you, I'm four nights in and I've finally figured it out. There is a real sense of alcohol on the nose, legs for days, and an ethanol burn both on the nose and palate. I like this drink, it has some nuance, but only when I drink it with an open mouth and, chewing it up so to speak. Good for sure, just not at the price point, due to the lack of smoothness and less than adequate mouth feel.. Back again and I wish I'd given it a 4 at least. Plenty of flavor and really enjoyable...52.0 USD per BottleBinny's Beverage Depot
George Dickel 9 Year Hand Selected Barrel
Tennessee Whiskey — Tennessee, USA
Reviewed February 3, 2019 (edited October 21, 2019)Just so solid and smooth. The notes of chocolate are there instantly which I can't say I noticed in the aroma. Easy drinking, subtle spice, and just really good overall. I enjoy this for sure..49.0 USD per BottleBinny's Beverage Depot -
Henry McKenna 10 Year Bottled in Bond Bourbon
Bourbon — Kentucky, USA
Reviewed February 1, 2019 (edited May 11, 2020)Giving this a second go after my first taste a few days back. Definitely picking up some cocoa which hits smoothly, followed by a bit of heat. Really just good from start to finish. Definite Keeper... Another night in and definitely enjoying this. Just a ton of flavor and a truly good bourbon.40.0 USD per BottleBinny's Beverage Depot -
Old Forester 100 Proof Bourbon
Bourbon — Kentucky, USA
Reviewed January 24, 2019 (edited May 11, 2020)Has a nice spicy/warm flavor to begin with, but not enough mouth feel like I prefer. At the price point it's a definite in my collection, just doesn't hit home long enough after a few seconds and that's why it's not an everyday type for me... Third night into this and I'm really beginning to enjoy it's initial taste. It has such a nice vanilla overtone and it's almost sweet and maple syrup in a sense. While my initial rating was 3.75, I'm now updating this as it's growing on me quickly... Think of dessert when eyeing this bottle... Fifth try in and it just keeps getting better. The overall vanilla profile on the initial taste is remarkable. I just really enjoy this whisky. I keep finding it astonishing that it has such a full flavor profile after the initial sweetness of the vanilla. Such a great whisky, will never not have this on hand... For the price point it's extraordinary. Two years post review and it's still living up to the hype I've written up previously. This is just so good and not just for the rediculously low price point. I feel like I could pour this onto waffles and I'd not miss a beat...22.99 USD per BottleBinny's Beverage Depot
Results 61-70 of 76 Reviews