I picked up a 375 mL plastic bottle of this for $12.95 in preparation for trying the new BiB offering. I haven't had GD 12 since college, so I could not remember how it tasted. I was pleasantly surprised how different this was from Jack Daniel's offerings, and how much cheaper all of GD products are compared to their TN rival.
This is unlike most bourbons I've tried recently. When I've heard people describe cereal and corn dust for other whiskeys, I wasn't quite sure what they meant. Now I do. The corn dust jumps out of the glass for GD 12, with little hint of sweetness or fruit. I smell heavy corn with some oak. I may get a little butterscotch, but that could be because I've read numerous reviews. The taste is a little bit smoother and lighter than the nose, it goes down nicely. More bread/cereal on the taste. I get a medium oak finish that lingers but is not unpleasant. This is a really good budget whiskey, and the plastic bottle is great for camping trips.