Dill, copper, vanilla taffy, oak, dark fruit, citrus zest, Smarties, herbal spice and a touch of caramel. Aroma is that oh-so-familiar dilly MGP 95/5 rye character that’s really comes to signify the resurgence of rye in the last 15 years.
Dill, vanilla taffy, oak, dark fruit, sugar cookies, citrus zest, copper, Smarties, herbal spice and a touch of caramel. Palate of the Redemption Rye rides a similar profile with a bit more sweetness pulling in a nice sugar cookie note to compliment the oaky-dilly-herbal-spice.
Long -> Copper, oak, citrus zest and dilly spice. The finish starts metallic and fades out to that signature dilly spice in a soft drawl.