Very pleasant and complex on the nose. Heavy aroma chemicals that smell of caramel, bbq smoke, and a hint of maple syrup. The initial taste reminds me of Lagavulin 16 with the medicinal leathery taste. Very easy drinker that is kind to the throat and tingles the tongue. Beautiful finish and mouthfeel that leaves your mouth coated in a sugary taste as if you've pulled from a sweet cigar. EASY 5/579.0 USD per Bottle
Ardbeg Corryvreckan
Single Malt — Islay, Scotland
Reviewed February 20, 2021 (edited March 12, 2021)This guy is super ultra strong. Tastes of black jam. Add a few drops of water and the flavor turns woody, with the aroma of cookie dough. I prefer without water despite the strength
Results 1-10 of 31 Reviews