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September 20, 2024 (edited November 20, 2024)
3.25 out of 5 stars
Fairly generic, drinks young (not a lot of character), sweet with a bit of spice. Potentially a barely legal rye, doesnt drink like a high rye.... Kind of a bubblegum note on the back end after drinking.
Decent for the price, but more of a fan of higher rye %.
September 10, 2024 (edited November 20, 2024)
3.75 out of 5 stars
Vanilla, spice and char on the nose. The pallette is very strong. Honestly you need a rock to open it up. Cherry, spice, and a stark contrast between bright fruit and a finish of super dark caramelized charred oak. Very interesting but not the best ive ever had. Like a neck jerk of flavors.